I have been wanting to start a blog for quite a while. I finally decided that if I did this I would want it to be anonymous so I would be completely honest in what I wrote. No, I don't plan on saying mean things about others or admitting to some deep dark secrets. I just don't want who I am to stop me from giving my honest opinion on things that might be controversial. People who know me best will easily be able to identify this as my blog. However, those that are just acquaintances probably won't be able to pick up on my identity.
I have provided some information in my profile about me, but let me take a moment to introduce myself a little better. I am a born again Christian. That doesn't mean I am perfect. It does mean that Jesus Christ is my Lord & Savior. I attempt to live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him. However, I stumble daily.
Politically I am a conservative. No that doesn't automatically mean I am sold out to the Republican Party. I do tend to vote Republican, because those candidates are the ones most closely aligned with me politically.
I am pro-life. Yes, that means I believe abortion is wrong. It is murder, plain and simple. That does not mean that I condemn women who have had abortions. I have stood by friends who have made that choice. I told them I didn't agree with their choice, but I was there for them emotionally & physically. I don't have to agree with everything someone chooses to do in order to be his/her friend.
I have chosen to homeschool my children. This decision was made long before I married and had children. I made the decision while I was teaching. I saw so much as a public school teacher, independent school teacher, & overseas as a homeschool teacher that I decided when I had children I would want to homeschool. The reasons I chose to homeschool are plentiful & I am sure many will be voiced as I blog. However, that doesn't mean I think only horrible parents send their children to public schools. Or that every child should be homeschooled. That is a very personal decision that needs to be agreed to by both parents. It is a huge commitment & I never would have attempted it if my husband was not 100% on board with the decision.
Lastly I will list a few other things that I believe and that are often controversial. I believe that spanking, when done correctly is not abuse but an acceptable means of discipline. I believe marriage as defined by God is between a man & a woman. Anything else is not acceptable to me, because the Bible is clear in stating it is not acceptable to God. I believe it is okay for an adult to have an alcoholic beverage. I do not think it is okay to get drunk. There are many scriptures that state drunkenness is not acceptable.
I look forward to this journey and hope you will enjoy reading my blog. Please let me know your thoughts and if I need to clarify anything I may say.
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