The bible tells us that our children are a blessing. Most parents would agree. But what about when they break your heart? When they decide they are going to go against everything you have ever taught them. When they are just determined to take a direction in life that you know will lead to destruction. Can you look at them then and see the blessing?
Raising children is a difficult messy journey in so many ways. When they are little it is the literal mess. The diapers, toys scattered everywhere, dirty hands & faces. As they get older the mess often becomes emotional. They hit puberty and are trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be. The world today is often giving them a very different message then what we desire for them. The world encourages them to live for themselves. If it feels right to you it is okay. However, the bible clearly tells us this is not the case. We are to live as Christ. Die to ourselves daily. This is not an easy thing to explain to a mature adult & even more difficult to explain to a child or teenager.
My children are young & I often remind myself that the right thing is usually not the easy thing. Like when your child has a meltdown in a restaurant because she can't have her own way. The right thing is to pack up the food and leave. This is the right thing for the other diners who do not deserve having to live through your child's tantrum & it is the right thing for your child. She needs to learn that certain behavior is unacceptable and will be dealt with no matter where you may be.
How do you apply this to older kids? I don't know. The lines seems to get more blurry as they get older. However, we are told as parents that we must do our job. If we don't we have to answer to God.
I do know that whatever we choose to do we must do it out of love. The message our child should get is that no matter what happens you are loved and accepted. I am doing X, because I love you too much to allow you to make sinful choices.
The teen years are often a tumultuous time, but I know that even as teens children are a blessing. I am thankful for my friends that love me and my children. That are willing to walk this winding path called parenthood with me. I am especially thankful for my husband and family. I don't know how people raise children without a loving support network. And I am thankful for my 2 blessings.
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