I get the feeling I am just spinning my wheels. I get one thing cleaned up only to turn around & find my girls have messed up 12 more things! And meals. They just keep coming. Three time a day plus snacks and with food comes dishes. It really makes me just want to sit down and cry. Well some days.
Then there are those days when I get to the end and think everything went smoothly today. I actually accomplished stuff & the house is good enough. (You can read my Good Enough post later)
Why am I so overwhelmed one day & super woman another? I guess my attitude & expectations has a lot to do with it. Well, that & how my girls are doing that day. If they are fussy or destructive that is surely going to impact my day. But the biggest factor is my attitude. I promise another post one day about the power of expectations.
I mean if I really look around my house I have it pretty easy. I have a washer & dryer on the main floor, no running up & down the stairs to do the laundry. And I am surely not having to do it by hand or out on a rock. I have a microwave, so if I forget to take something out to defrost I can pop it in & have it defrosted within a few minutes. I have a dishwasher, so it isn't like I am standing at the sink washing the dishes by hand. I have all the modern conveniences. There are many trying to do it all with a whole lot less.
I was encouraged this week in bible study when I read Mark 14:34-36 (NIV), "34 “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.” 35 Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. 36 “Abba,[a] Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Jesus understands what I am feeling when I am overwhelmed. Granted, he was facing his crucifixion at the time and my problems are minor compared to that, but he still understands. I find that very comforting. My Lord understands how I feel!
This last week I have really been trying to monitor my attitude & I have found the results to be amazing. You have heard the saying that if Mama ain't happy ain't nobody is happy. Well I guess the opposite is also true. If Mama has a good attitude the rest will too. I set the tone for my home. I am not perfect & I am sure I will have days of feeling overwhelmed, but hopefully they will be far & few between :)