Christian parents often have unrealistic expectations. They assume that if they raise their child in a loving Christian home their child will live out their life as devoted followers of Jesus. And if their child does not do this and chooses to live life in away that is completely contrary to our convictions we blame ourselves. We play that if only game. If only I had ... We decide we are the ones responsible for our child's decision. Other Christians may even start to wonder what they did wrong. I mean they seemed like a good Christian family, but something must have been wrong in their home. After all you never know what goes on behind closed doors.
It is true we are not perfect parents. We make mistakes and mess up. However, God was the perfect parent to Adam & Eve and they rebelled. Judas spent three years with Jesus. He was one of the 12 disciples. He heard Jesus teach on numerous occasions. He was privy to an intimate relationship with Jesus. Yet he betrayed Jesus. Turned him over to those that killed him for just a few pieces of silver.
We seem to forget that we have been given free will. We have to choose for ourselves who we are going to serve.
We need to cut ourselves & others some slack. The most we can do is raise our children in a loving environment, teach the truths of the scripture, pray for our children and do the best we can . Acknowledge your mistakes, but don't beat yourself up over those mistakes. We aren't perfect and even if we were that is no guarantee our child would choose Jesus.
So well said! Love it :)